Installation, Workshop and a Digital Nursery (2021)
Queer AI: The Garden
The Garden was a paradise-like oasis, installation and an artificial landscape in the courtyard of Cultural centre Caisa as part of Kiasma Theatre's URB-festival. In the ever-changing Garden you could pop by or linger to wonder what is behind the creation. If desired, the visitor could participate in creating more diverse reality.
In the Garden, the gardeners (workshop participators) were wondering how the world was born and how reality is created. They examined the myths of creation from the perspective of the diverse gender and sexual orientation.
A digital nursery was planted online. Nursery was fertilized with search engine optimization to answer the questions “why is the world the way it is?” and “how the world was born?”. Nursery aims to diversify discussion about myths of creation and to bring out the diverse perspectives of gender and sexual orientation.
You can find the digital nursery here: luomiskertomus.fi
Queer AI: The Garden is part of a multiyear Queer AI –project by #digiteatteri. The aims of the project are to create an artificial intelligence that understands the diversity of genders and sexual orientations, produce a performance about that artificial intelligence and to influence the development and research of artificial intelligence in general.
The core group of #digiteatteri is Aku Meriläinen, Maria Oiva & Jyrki Pylväs. The working groups includes also Annu Kemppainen, Jamie MacDonald & Essi Salmenkivi.
Queer AI is a project funded by Kone Foundation, The Finnish Cultural Foundation and AVEK. Queer AI: The Garden is arranged in collaboration with URB festival, EU project BEPART and Culture Centre Caisa.
📸: Finnish National Gallery / Petri Virtanen
Graphic design: Jyrki Pylväs